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-Я влюбился в одного человека
-Кто это? Давай колись - начели кричать другие столпы
-Хорошо, его имя
-Подожди ЕГО имя?! - переспросила столп насикомых
Зачем она это сделала? Потому что она любит стола вода, а тот её нет
(Танджиро не истребитель демонов, а лекарь в организации истребителя демонов. Он работает на Убуяшки Кагаю и его жену (он поопытней в отличие от Кочо Шинобу, поэтому ему доверяют больше чем столпу насекомых)
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Tanjiro's Birthday
02 июня 2024, 02:45
Tomioka and Kamado We decided how they would spend their weekends, their weekends did not coincide for a very long time and now they coincided.
They were given two days, these days fell on July 16 and 17, and after Giyu found out about it, he was happy, because July 17 would be his boyfriend's birthday...
-My love - Tanjiro called Giyu
-What the? - Tanjiro asked, distracted from cleaning
-Which color do you like best? - Giyu asked, looking directly into Tanjiro's eyes
-Heavenly color, why do you need it? - Tanjiro didn't know what the question was about
-It was just interesting - the dark-haired man lied, then he approached the burgundy man and kissed him on the cheek - I completely forgot to say, today we will have a meeting and perhaps I will not be there until the evening. So go to bed and don't wait for me -Having finished, he kissed the burgundy-haired man again and calmly went to get ready...
In the evening
-Have a good trip - Tanjiro said at last and kissed Gia on the lips
- Thank you sunshine - Giyu returned the kiss, but then he had to leave...
-*Finally, I'm going home*- thought the blue-eyed man, the sky was already covered with clouds, anticipating rain. The meeting lasted until two o'clock in the morning
Tomioka walked to the door of his house and opened the door, quickly removing his gets, he called out to Kamado
-Tanjiro, I'm home - there was no answer -*Looks like he fell asleep*- Giyu tried to quietly go into the room and he succeeded.
As he entered the room, he saw Tanjiro hugging him with a blanket, with a blush on his cheeks. Giyu stood for a couple of seconds looking at this painting, and then went to change his clothes
Quickly doing all his business, he lay down next to the burgundy-haired man, and he hugged him, the dark-haired man thought about something a little more, and then fell asleep
Morning 05:12
Giyu got up before Tanjiro to prepare a surprise, as it was Tanjiro's birthday, which Giyu knew, The dark-haired man still remembered what had happened to his beloved's family, but he really wanted to please the burgundy-haired one. Perhaps he will be able to forget about it and live on...
-What are you cooking? - Tanjiro asked in a sleepy voice, he went to the kitchen and sat down at the table
-Go wash your face first, and then come to breakfast - Giyu replied without even turning to Tanjiro, he could tell that his boyfriend is now sitting with his eyes closed, slowly swaying from side to side
-Okay - nodding, the burgundy-eyed man slowly slapped to the bathroom
-*Oh, sunshine, you are tired*-Giyu thought to himself, after he saw Tanjiro off with his gaze, he began to put food on plates, and then put it on the table...
Very soon, Tanjiro arrived, and he and Giyu began to eat breakfast
-Giyu, look at me - Tanjiro said, Giyu turned his head to him, the burgundy-haired man took a napkin and began to wipe the cheeks of the dark-haired man,After all, there were grains of rice on his cheeks
-Thank you - the dark-haired man understood that he needed to eat more carefully, but some grains remained on his cheeks - Listen... Maybe we can take a walk in the forest? I just saw a beautiful meadow there - the blue-eyed man finished his monologue, all the while the blue-eyed man was talking, the maroon-eyed man listened to him attentively
-Well, in principle, you can - said the burgundy-eyed Man - Is there a lake there? - The maroon-eyed man added
-Lake? Mmmm.... Yes, there is a lake there, I saw it too - Giyu remembered, and then Tanjiro replied
-Then let's move out in 20 minutes - Tanjiro said and smiled
-Okay, go get yourself together, - laughing a little, he punished Giyu...
After 20 minutes, the guys were ready and they went to the forest, since it was still light, Tanjiro offered to take a tent, to which Giyu agreed
-Did you take the sword? - Why did Tanjiro ask that? Because there is a chance that demons will attack them
- Of course I did, by the way, we almost came - then the guys went out into a clearing with different flowers, and in the middle there was a beautiful blue lake like the sky
-Wow - Tanjiro was fascinated by this beauty and freshness
-Like? Giyu asked, a slight smile lit up Giyu's face
-Very - Tanjiro replied in the same scolded way...
Then the guys walked a lot, played and just swam, until evening came...
-This is my best birthday - Tanjiro smiled, he looked at the clearing where fireflies jumped from flower to flower
Giyu knocked Tanjiro to the grass and hovered over him
-Y-what are you doing? - Tanjiro began to stutter from surprise
- What am I doing? They deprive you of your virginity - the blue-eyed man replied, while smiling vulgarly
-And-we d-agreed that until my 18th birthday, and-we're not going to with this team - Tanjiro wasn't afraid to have sex with his boyfriend.... He just wasn't ready for it to happen somewhere in the clearing
- Do you want to wait another year? - Giyu could have waited another year, but Tanjiro definitely couldn't, because as Giyu found out, the burgundy-eyed quickly gets excited if you bite your earlobe and stroke his thighs
-No, I don't want to - Tanjiro himself realized that he would not be able to wait a year without sex
- Then can I start? - The dark-haired man needed consent, because without consent it would be rape
-Mmm, you can start - Tanjiro was almost ready for this, he knew perfectly well that Giyu could stop at any moment because he was worried that he might hurt his boyfriend ....
Tanjiro was lying naked, and between his legs was Giyu also completely naked
-Tanjiro, I'm going to develop you now, so relax and if it hurts, talk, okay? - Giyu was Nizhin only with Tanjiro, with his past partners he treated rough in pastels
-Okay - Tanjiro nodded as a sign that he was ready, Giyu quickly inserted one finger into Tanjiro's anus, after a couple of seconds he began to move it. Tanjiro was hurt, but also pleasant.
After 4 minutes, there were already three fingers in Tanjiro, Kamado moaned softly from the pleasant sensations, the pain had long disappeared, or to be more precise, the excitement overshadowed the pain
After a couple of seconds, Kamado let out a loud moan, and Tomioka only smiled at this, and then said:
-Found - all the time he was developing Tanjiro, he was looking for the prostate and he found this point of great arousal -Tanjiro, are you ready? - The blue-eyed man took out his fingers and presented the head of his penis at the hole of the maroon-eyed
- Yes, ready, can you just insert it slowly? - Tanjiro lifted himself up a bit to see his boyfriend's size -*Pretty big*-thought the burgundy-eyed man
-I'll try not to hurt you and that's why it's better to lie down - gently pressing on the body of the burgundy-haired man so that he was more comfortable, the dark-haired man began to slowly thrust his dicks into the anus of the burgundy-haired
-It hurts? - Tomioka asked
-No - Tanjiro replied
- Can I move? - Giyu kissed Tanjiro
-Aha.... You can move - Tanjiro replied, closing his eyes, Blue-Eyed Po picked up the pace a little, while kissing the maroon-eyed man in various places,The maroon-eyed man's hands walked down the blue-eyed man's back, sometimes squeezing his back. When the pace was fast, the dark-haired man touched the prostate more and more often, from which the maroon-haired man lost his head and moaned louder. Then Giyu began to leave bites, hiccups and kisses on the neck of the youngest, and he, in turn, scratched the back of his boyfriend, not hard.
After that, the guys changed their position, and also slowed down...
After 5 minutes
The guys already felt relaxed, so she sped up again, Tanjiro had been moaning quite loudly for a long time, and Giyu sometimes covered these moans with a kiss, passionate and hot, before they ended, Tanjiro let out a loud, last moan, Giyu managed to get out of the boy, then they quickly washed and went to bed, they fell asleep immediately, and their sleep was sound....
In the morning, the guys quickly dressed and went back home
-My love, I'm going - Tanjiro said and went to his estate, because today they are working
-Until evening, my love - Giyu said and also left
Each of them remembered what had happened last night...
To be continued.......